Look up a word

  1. Click on any word that is on the page. Is the word a hyperlink? Hover + hold Shift.
  2. A popup dictionary will appear with the following:


Dictionary term: The closest dictionary term(s) to the looked up word

Reading: For Japanese, Mandarin, Cantonese and Korean, readings are shown for how to pronounce/read the word

Frequency rating: A frequency rating helps show how frequent the word appears in a given context. E.g. “Netflix 4⭐️” means it’s this word appears quite frequently (4 out of 5) among those in that language in Netflix

Word audio: Audio samples in different voices pronouncing the dictionary term

Images: Image search results of the specific dictionary term

Example sentences: Sentences to help give more context to how the word is used

Create a card

  1. Click on a word and hit the orange “Send to Card” button

    Create card.png

  2. The Migaku app will open up to the Card Creator and will pre-fill the form with the word, sentence, and definition

    Screenshot 2023-11-30 at 15.29.05.png

  3. Save your changes by hitting ‘Create card’

You should now be able to open Migaku’s flashcard app, Migaku Memory, from the Migaku iOS or Android app, or go to study.migaku.com from your browser, to study your cards!

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