Time to try out the tool! Go to a website of your choice in the target language that you are trying to study.

Enable Migaku on a Text site

  1. Go to any website of your choice that has text in the language you want to study
  2. Open the Migaku menu from the Chrome toolbar (top right) and turn on ‘Enable for this website


<aside> ⌨️ You can also enable Migaku by hitting Option + E for Mac or CTRL + E for Windows


  1. The Migaku toolbar should momentarily peek out from the top of the page. A loading progress bar indicates how much of the page that Migaku has fully parsed.

Screenshot 2023-11-28 at 18.30.12.png

<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/fd59959a-c04c-4b39-a64a-e6839e2ff9cb/97b89ffb-90ee-4c67-9981-4f86a1cf39b7/Info-outline_blue.svg" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/fd59959a-c04c-4b39-a64a-e6839e2ff9cb/97b89ffb-90ee-4c67-9981-4f86a1cf39b7/Info-outline_blue.svg" width="40px" /> Hover over the top edge of the page to access the Toolbar. You can lock the toolbar using the Lock icon on the right side of the toolbar.


<aside> 📌 The Migaku Toolbar is where you can see comprehension stats and display settings. Hover over the colorful label on the left to see more stats about the page!


Learn how to look up words and create study cards for text sites here

Enable Migaku on a Video site

<aside> 📽️ Currently supported video sites: Just Netflix for now!
